Marcel the Ambassador Black-billed Magpie came to NMWC in 2007 after being kept illegally as a pet and confiscated by NM Game and Fish. We were not sure of Marcel’s exact age, but suspect Marcel was at least 14 and likely far older. In the wild, black-billed magpies generally do not live past 5 years. In human care, they can live into their twenties, and it may be that Marcel was that old.
Marcel was a wonderful ambassador for many years, greeting staff, volunteers, and visitors with raucous calls and showing off a magpie’s intelligence and beautiful plumage. Marcel’s last education program was Migratory Bird Day 2019, where Marcel placed visitors’ dollars bills into a box after showcasing a brief indoor flight display.
Unfortunately, Marcel’s health in the past year has been in a steady decline. Marcel had some intermittent eye problems, treated with eye drops as needed, and early this fall Marcel came down with pneumonia. Marcel spent a couple of months back in our wildlife hospital getting treatment for the pneumonia, where it was discovered that Marcel has heart disease from age. NMWC staff worked to treat the pneumonia and to manage the heart disease, but it was noticed that Marcel’s usual perky, interactive demeaner had declined. Concerned about Marcel’s welfare and comfort, it was decided on October 20, 2021 to humanely euthanize Marcel. Marcel was surrounded by Marcel’s favorite people as they said good-bye.
Marcel will be sorely missed as Marcel’s presence was always huge in the lobby. Marcel’s constant songs and vocal routines kept the building alive with noise and Marcel always greeted anyone who came into the lobby. While no one can replace Marcel, Marcel’s memory will live on through Cody the Black-billed Magpie as much of Cody’s vocal repertoire and interactive behaviors were learned from Marcel.
- “Marcel was such a force of friendliness and fun. The place just won’t be the same without the personality that filled the room.” – Brad and Gabriela Jones, NMWC Volunteers
- “Marcel was the first Corvid I ever got to properly train and work with. I trained him/her on flying or recalling to my hand and on a ‘dollar trick’ where they would take the folded dollar and place it in a box. Marcel performed this behavior beautifully at Migratory Bird Day 2019 to the enjoyment of many visitors and myself. As Marcel’s age declined in the last year I backed away from our training sessions as his/her vision was going and didn’t want to frustrate or stress him/her. I will miss interacting with Marcel and the odd sounds he/she would make. Especially his/her mimic of ‘what!” they would say in the spring. And also showing me the half eaten food they had left in the morning. Fly free, Marcel.” – Shawna Protze, Education Curator
- “Marcel was a crowd pleaser with her vocalizations and the dollar bill trick at Open House. My favorite memories are having her fly to my hand for her afternoon mouse.” – Susan Coulter, NMWC Volunteer
- “I called him Marcel Marceau. Black and white, a mimicker and clown with a French name. But not silent! When I came to work at NMWC, Marcel and I became friends, communicating through my office window which looked out on his cage. At times when he was upset or extremely noisy, I was able to calm him with my voice, and that meant a lot to me. I believe he trusted me. Marcel reminded me every day of the reason I come to work. And the magpies that visit my home every day remind me of Marcel. Standing on strong legs, seeing clearly, and soaring with your long tail, Marcel, you’re wild once more.” – Dawn Wright, Assistant Director of Development and Administration
- “I have thought of marcel often, especially when I see a magpie out in the wild. Marcel gave me an opportunity to relate with their species. Because of marcel’s generosity, I feel a heartfelt and meaningful connection to all magpies I encounter in the wild. Prayers for marcels freedom in the afterlife and many future lives to come.” -LA Hulterstrum, NMWC Volunteer
- “I just loved Marcel, the perfect rascal, who lured me to the cage my first time there, pecked my finger hard, and it just didn’t matter. Such a sweet bird… I will miss him/her…” – Consuelo Sanudo, NMWC Volunteer
- “I have visited Marcel a few times over the years. Last time I was there, Cody had recently arrived. The lady at the desk told me they didn’t know how much longer Marcel would live as he had been there a long time and already lived beyond his lifespan in the wild. When I was leaving, I said, “love you, Marcel!” and he flew fast to the perch nearest the door where I was standing. I’ve been preparing myself for this news, and I’m still really sad to hear that Marcel passed. “Love you, Marcel!”…” – NMWC Visitor