Facebook LIVE: Juniper the Gray Fox
New Mexico Wildlife CenterJoin us on Facebook LIVE to meet Juniper the Gray Fox and her favorite human caretaker. She may even show us how she likes to play and we'll give her lunch.
Join us on Facebook LIVE to meet Juniper the Gray Fox and her favorite human caretaker. She may even show us how she likes to play and we'll give her lunch.
Join us on Facebook LIVE to get up close and personal with Sol, our Turkey Vulture. Learn more about vultures, why they are important to our environment, and why they are one of our Director's favorite animals!
Join us on Facebook LIVE for an opportunity to meet and learn about Cinder the Red-tailed Hawk! We'll be live at 2:00 pm Mountain Time.
Join us on Facebook for a live meeting with one of our Box Turtle Ambassadors! We'll be live at 2:00 pm Mountain Time.
Join us on Facebook LIVE to meet Corazon the Barn Owl up close and to learn what makes Barn Owls so special!
Join us on Facebook LIVE to meet Bubo the Great Horned Owl and learn more about owls. Bubo is usually very vocal, so we may even get to hear her calling!
Come see some of our Ambassador Animals and educators at this fun annual event at Barbara Meikle's gallery in Santa Fe. The artist will be there painting beautiful portraits of the animals right in front of our eyes!
Join us on Facebook LIVE to get an up close look at Harley the Hognose Snake. We'll talk about why they are called "Hognose" snakes and what makes them so very interesting!
Join us on Facebook LIVE to meet Cricket, one of the Swainson's Hawks who lives at New Mexico Wildlife Center. Learn about how hawks hunt, and why this species is unique (hint: they are long-distance travelers!).
Join us on Facebook LIVE to get a close look at Pancho, the American Kestrel, and Olympia, the Peregrine Falcon. Learn what makes both of these birds members of the falcon family, how they are similar and how the are different. You can ask questions in real time if you join us LIVE on Facebook!